Florida Senator Has Introduced The ‘Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act’ To The State Senate
Florida Senator Jeff Clemens (D-Palm Beach County) has officially introduced Senate Bill 1250, or ‘The Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act’, to the state Health Policy Committee.
Senate Bill 1250 would legalize the use of medical marijuana by qualified patients in Florida. By establishing a state-regulated system of dispensaries, patients will be provided legal, safe access to their cannabis medicine at last. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation would be required by the bill to assume the duties of regulating and licensing medical marijuana dispensaries and cultivation operations.
Senate Bill 1250 is named after Cathy Jordan, a long time marijuana activist from Florida who uses cannabis to treat her amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. As I mentioned last week, Jordan’s house was raided shortly after a Miami Herald article announced Florida Sen. Jeff Clemens’ (D-Lake Worth) plan to introduce his “Cathy Jordan” act.
A militaristic team of masked officers with automatic weapons raided the Jordan residence after an ‘anonymous tip’, seizing 23 marijuana plants Cathy was growing for her own medicinal use. Although no arrests were made, the case is being sent to the State Attorney’s Office for review.
Recent Poll Shows At Least 70% of Floridians Support MMJ
“Unfortunately Florida’s been a little bit behind much of the rest of the country when it comes to medical marijuana,” said the director of communications for the Marijuana Policy Project, Mason Tvert. This is the second consecutive year Florida has introduced a medical marijuana bill. Although the bill was struck down in both committees last year, if passed, SB1250 would allow patients to possess up to four ounces of dried cannabis and grow eight plants.
“I’m asking for my right to life. It’s life or death for me, I don’t have a way to live. You can’t just offer people a way to die.”– Cathy Jordan
In a February poll sponsored by the activist group People United for Medical Marijuana (PUFMM), and conducted by Hamilton Campaigns, only 24% stated opposition to a medical marijuana bill. Out of the 600 registered voters from across the state that participated in the survey, nearly 70% supported the idea of a medical marijuana bill.
“I’m asking for my right to life,” stated Cathy Jordan shortly after the abstraction of her cannabis plants. “It’s life or death for me. I don’t have a way to live. You can’t just offer people a way to die.”