The 4th High Times San Francisco Bay Area Medical Cannabis Cup
The 4th annual HIGH TIMES San Francisco Bay Area Medical Cannabis Cup is returning to Richmond, CA on Saturday, June 22-23.
After a very successful US Cannabis Cup in Denver last month, HIGH TIMES is headed to the Bay Area for the fourth year in a row to hold the regional cannabis competition. The event will feature cultivation and activism seminars with HIGH TIMES editors and many other familiar faces in the cannabis movement.
“Only California residents with a valid California doctor’s recommendation or California medical marijuana card will be allowed to enter the Prop 215 area to consume cannabis on-site.”
The expo will begin Saturday at 12:00 PM at The Craneway Pavilion at 1414 Harbour Way South, Richmond, CA and will include a Saturday night concert/party (artists not announced). On Sunday, the expo will begin at the same time but will end with the ceremonial Awards Show.
Unlike the previous Cannabis Cup in Denver, only California residents with a valid California doctor’s recommendation or California medical marijuana card will be allowed to enter the Prop 215 area.
While you are not required to have a medical card to attend, only those will medical recommendations or cards will be permitted to consume cannabis on-site. Additionally, California law does not recognize out-of-state medical marijuana recommendations or cards.
Early Bird Tickets Are On Sale Now!
Early bird tickets are on sale right now at MedcanCup.com. One day tickets are available in addition to the VIP Two-Day Pass which would include entrance for both days to the cup (including wristband for re-entry), a T-shirt, guidebook, Medical Cannabis Cup gift bag, and tickets to both the Saturday night concert/party and Sunday night Awards Show. The VIP Two-Day Pass is on sale for $75 (plus a small fee $2.87), the Saturday-only ticket is $35 and Sunday-only ticket is $25. The Early Bird Special sale ends on June 22.
Although tickets are non-refundable, they are transferable and may be sold to a friend if you end up not being able to attend. ID’s are not required to match the name on the ticket, but after the ticket is scanned once it is no longer transferable.