New Hampshire Legislators Consider New Adult-Use Cannabis Policy
CONCORD, NH — The New Hampshire House of Representatives is considering the legalization of cannabis for adult-use. They will put the issue to a vote just one week after the commencement of retail cannabis sales in Colorado, as activists hope to keep the momentum in their favor.
Offering a brief overview of New Hampshire’s House Bill 492 is Matt Simon, Legislative Analyst for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP).
“Those in favor of HB 492 propose a $30 per ounce tax on retail cannabis sold in the state.”
“HB 492, modeled after Colorado’s Amendment 64, would allow adults to use, possess, and cultivate limited amounts of marijuana with no penalty,” Mr. Simon explains.
He goes on to say that the bill calls for regulating the production and retail sales of cannabis in New Hampshire.
Those in favor of the measure propose a $30 per ounce tax on retail cannabis sold in the state. Accordingly, Mr. Simon suggests that up to $30 million in annual tax revenue could be generated if legislators decide to institute a new adult-use cannabis policy.
New Hampshire Models Legal Cannabis Bill After Colorado, Washington
Representative Steve Vaillancourt (R-Manchester) explains that the measure pulls from legislation passed by voters in Colorado and Washington. Offering his support for the bill, Vaillancourt submitted a written appeal to his fellow legislators.
“By legalizing, regulating and taxing (marijuana), society would in effect be taking the profit away from illegal operations which truly harm society.” – Rep. Steve Vaillancourt
“Nothing in the bill would allow anyone to drive under the influence of marijuana or any other substance. By legalizing, regulating and taxing (marijuana), society would in effect be taking the profit away from illegal operations which truly harm society,” he explained.
New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan signed New Hampshire’s medical marijuana law in May, making it the 19th state to legalize cannabis for approved conditions.
An October WMUR Granite State Poll determined that 60% of New Hampshire adults support House Bill 492. If passed, House Bill 492 would not be effective until July 1. State agencies will attempt to put the necessary infrastructure into place in the meantime.
The New Hampshire House will put the issue to a vote next Wednesday, Jan 8. Those who wish to express their support are encouraged to contact their local representatives.
Matt Simon is a Legislative Analyst for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP). He has been working since 2007 to reform marijuana laws in New Hampshire, lobbying and organizing in support …
The Marijuana Policy Project was founded in 1995 in Washington, DC. The founders were members of NORML, but felt the organization should be more proactive. In turn, they broke away and started the MPP.In the …