What is Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, typically progressive disease involving damage to the sheaths of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, whose symptoms may include numbness, impairment of speech and of muscular coordination, blurred vision, and severe fatigue. Learn more

Latest Research

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November 25, 2015

Study: Topical CBD Treatment May Reduce Central Nervous System Inflammation
A controlled animal study published in Daru: Journal of Faculty and Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Sciences found that topical treatment with 1% purified (i.e. >98%) CBD topical cream may help to reduce damage caused by a disease that results in brain inflammation. This holds relevance for humans with autoimmune diseases that lead to demyelination (damage to the fatty covering around neurons that helps them to transmit signals faster) like multiple sclerosis. Topical CBD vs. Multiple Sclerosis Experiment Using healthy mice and mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis [(EAE)- encephalo= brain, myel= myelin= …
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November 11, 2014

Neurodegenerative Diseases and Medical Marijuana
What Are Neurodegenerative Diseases? Neurodegenerative diseases are those which result mainly from dysfunction of the central nervous system (the CNS, made up of the brain and spinal cord) as a result of damage to neurons, the primary cells of this system that communicate with each other to send signals throughout the brain and body. Damage to neurons of the CNS can result in a decreased ability to send signals to the peripheral, autonomic, and enteric nervous systems, which make it possible for us to move, touch, digest, breathe, react to and sense our environment, …
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June 08, 2014

Cannabis-Based Medicine For Patients Living With Multiple Sclerosis
What Is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune, inflammatory condition which is caused by an attack from the body’s immune system on the myelin sheath that surrounds nerve cells in the central nervous system (CNS). The myelin sheath provides insulation to these cells to allow for fast conduction of signals throughout the body; destruction slows the speed of signals from the CNS to the body’s peripheral nervous system (PNS). This condition can also lead to destruction of the nerves themselves, which is irreversible. Due to the fact that the CNS is the …
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May 14, 2014

Medical Marijuana: Much More Than Just THC and CBD
For years now Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has been the most popular and widely researched cannabinoid in cannabis science. However, nowadays it seems like cannabidiol (CBD) has stolen the spotlight given its ability to provide therapeutic relief to children suffering from various epileptic disorders, while lacking the psychotropic effects (i.e. high) of THC. It’s even gotten to the point that state legislature are passing laws “CBD-only” medical marijuana legislation. Given all of this, it is easy to see how CBD and THC can be viewed …
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February 17, 2014

Sativex Shown To Treat Spasticity In Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
As we know, medical marijuana has been used to treat symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) for quite some time. In fact, GW Pharmaceuticals’ drug Sativex, which contains a 1:1 ratio of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), is being used to treat the condition in countries throughout Europe. That being said, cannabinoid treatments have not traditionally been considered a standalone form of therapy for MS. A group of researchers from …
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October 02, 2013

Study: Cannabinoids May Serve A Role In Bladder Function
Research Suggests CB1 Receptor Involvement In Bladder Function As we know, multiple sclerosis (MS) patients have reported success using cannabis to battle the symptoms. Usually, medical cannabis is credited simply with reducing the number of spasms; however, recent reports suggest that it could also help improve bladder function. A 2004 uro-neurology case study from London suggested, “cannabis-based medicinal extracts are a safe and effective treatment for urinary and other problems in patients with advanced MS.” The study opened the door to a world of questions, and new research may offer some answers.
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January 03, 2013

Smoking Medical Marijuana Can Decrease Pain From Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, typically progressive disease involving damage to the sheaths of nerve cells in the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. It is an immune system attack on the central nervous system (CNS). A fatty substance called Myelin, which surrounds and protects the nerve fibers in the CNS, is damaged as well as the nerve fibers themselves. The damaged myelin forms scar tissue (sclerosis) and causes disrupted nerve impulses traveling to and from the brain and spinal cord causing the variety of symptoms that can occur. Symptoms include pins and needle …
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