Browsing Cannabinoid Science

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Cannabinoids & Breast Milk: Do Cannabinoids Play A Larger Role In Our Life Than We Thought?
Research into the workings of the endocannabinoid system has yielded significant discoveries for scientists attempting to learn more about pre and post-natal development. It is apparent that endocannabinoids, chemical compounds produced in the body that are similar to the psychoactive ingredients in marijuana, act as a catalyst for early embryonic development and development thereafter into maturity. The same compounds have also been found at incredibly high concentrations in maternal breast milk, suggesting that cannabinoids are more important to our successful growth than was ever thought before. All Humans Are Born With Cannabinoid Receptors The European Journal of …
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Cannabidiol (CBD): Fighting Inflammation & Aggressive Forms of Cancer
Cannabis contains at least 60 known chemicals called cannabinoids, which activate naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors in your body. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the main component responsible for the psychoactive effects, or “high,” cannabis is known for. While THC is known to have some medicinal value, there has been recent investigation into a new cannabinoid that is rumored to have more medicinal benefits than any single pharmaceutical drug on the market. What is Cannabidiol (CBD)? This cannabinoid is known as cannabidiol (CBD) and is the second most abundant cannabinoid found in cannabis on the market today. Research performed by …