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Washington, D.C. Council Committee Considers Marijuana Decriminalization
WASHINGTON, D.C. — As previously reported, there is a movement to decriminalize cannabis for personal consumption in the District of Columbia. The bill is expected to be passed early Wednesday by the Council Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety. Proposed by Tommy Wells (D-Ward 6), Council Committee Chair, in 2013, the measure calls for fines in the case of simple cannabis possession (less than one ounce). Those 18 and over would simply be subject to $25 fine – not much different than a parking ticket. Mr. Wells …
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New Jersey Legislature Approves Industrial Hemp Production
TRENTON, NJ — In what was an overwhelming majority in both chambers, the New Jersey legislature voted Monday to legalize industrial hemp in the state. Senate Bill 3110 establishes a licensing system for industrial hemp in the state. Also outlined within the initiative are specific application procedures and requirements, including fingerprinting and criminal background checks for license applicants. The measure was unanimously approved Monday by the New Jersey Senate with a 37-0 vote. Also occurring Monday was a full Assembly vote that tallied 65-8. New Jersey Hemp Cultivation Relies On Federal Approval According to …
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Pennsylvania Legislators Expected To File Medical Cannabis Initiative Monday
HARRISBURG, PA — As previously reported, two Pennsylvania Senators – Daylin Leach (D) and Mike Folmer (R) – have drafted an initiative to legalize medical cannabis in the state. They are expected to introduce the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Act Monday. Senator Leach has introduced medical marijuana legislation in the past, but it has failed to gain much support. Still, Senator Folmer announced his support for the bill in November and after being diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2012. He has stated that medical marijuana …
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First Week Of Retail Sales Set Legal Cannabis Industry In Motion
DENVER, CO — New Year celebrations seemed to extend in the daylight hours January 1 in Colorado. Despite early snowfall, hundreds of people lined up outside of a few dozen Colorado dispensaries to complete the first legal retail cannabis transactions. As reported by Medical Marijuana Business Daily, some consumers had to wait as long as two hours to make their way inside of The Green Solution. Nonetheless, everything went on without a …
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Legal Cannabis Initiative To Be Filed In Washington, D.C. This Week
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Voters in the nation’s capital may be afforded the opportunity to legalize cannabis for adult-use in the district. DCMJ, a local advocacy group, is expected to file a ballot initiative before the week comes to a close. The group is headed by Adam Eidinger, who recently told the Washington Times “we’re trying to preserve the consumer’s right to possess it and to use it.” As the name suggests, the Legalization of Home Cultivation and Possession of Minimal Amounts of Marijuana for Personal Use …
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Fresno County Supervisors Place Ban On Cannabis Cultivation
FRESNO, CA — In a 5-0 vote Tuesday, the Fresno County Board of Supervisors placed a ban on cannabis cultivation in unincorporated areas. The restrictions are slated to begin in February. As it stands, the ban will call for a fine of $1,000 per plant. Once discovered, an additional $100 per plant will be tacked on each day that they remain. “Fresno County is now inviting a legal case against them. It’s hasty action that could end up costing taxpayers money.” – Joe Elford The decision comes after officials learned that Live Oak, a city near Sacramento, passed …
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Tennessee Legislator Files New Medical Marijuana Initiative
NASHVILLE, TN — Rep. Sherry Jones (D-Nashville) has filed an initiative to allow limited access to medical cannabis in the State of Tennessee. As written, House Bill 1385 – the Koozer-Kuhn Medical Cannabis Act – would call for the state to establish a regulatory system similar to states with medical marijuana already on the books. The bill is named in honor of two Tennessee natives, according to Chris Lindsey, Legislative Analyst for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP). Piper Koozer is a child from Tennessee who suffers …
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Last-Minute Petitions Thrust Florida Towards Medical Marijuana Ballot Initiative
TAMPA, FL — Despite opposition from State officials and a pending Supreme Court decision, the push for medical marijuana in Florida has garnered enough support to force a vote in November, according to reports. “We have collected close to 900,000 signatures and by Monday or Tuesday of next week, we should be close to 1 million,” said Ben Pollara, campaign director for People United for Medical Marijuana said last week. “We are going to make it.” …
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New York Governor Prepares To Institute Medical Marijuana Program
ALBANY, NY — A surprising turn of events came Saturday evening as an announcement surfaced detailing plans put a medical marijuana program in place in the State of New York. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (D) plans to issue an executive action this week that will provide seriously ill patients with access to medical cannabis. The move comes less than a week after legal retail sales of cannabis began in Colorado and seems to keep momentum moving in favor of a new approach to cannabis policy. However, it should be …
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New Hampshire Legislators Consider New Adult-Use Cannabis Policy
CONCORD, NH — The New Hampshire House of Representatives is considering the legalization of cannabis for adult-use. They will put the issue to a vote just one week after the commencement of retail cannabis sales in Colorado, as activists hope to keep the momentum in their favor. Offering a brief overview of New Hampshire’s House Bill 492 is Matt Simon, Legislative Analyst for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP). “Those in favor of HB 492 propose a $30 per ounce tax on retail cannabis …