Browsing Strains

Alien OG: So Uplifting You Feel Abducted
Alien OG is an Indica-dominant Hybrid strain that is grown mostly in the Bay area, but available ubiquitously throughout California. Genetically stemming from Tahoe OG and Alien Kush, this is one potent Hybrid strain to end the night in a deep-sleep and spacey trance. “The Alien OG Strain is very popular among patients who seek a natural sleep-aid and appetite booster.” Being an ocean grown (OG) strain, you can already expect a heavy head-high coupled with a delayed body-buzz that will come in …
Qleaner is a Potent Hybrid by Subcool Seeds
Qleaner is a 60% Sativa / 40% Indica strain developed by TGS Subcool Seeds. It’s a potent mix of Jack’s Cleaner and Querkle (Purple Urkle and Space Queen). I know, I know… what an amazing mix right? “Unfortunately our batch of Qleaner didn’t look that good at first glance but remember that is more the growers fault than the strain itself.” We knew it was going to be a pretty heavy smoke session with the Purple Urkle and Space Queen in its genetics. If …
Cannatonic: A Cannabis Strain High In CBD
Cannatonic Strain: MK Ultra X G-13 Haze Cannatonic grows and hits you like an Indica strain would, but smells and tastes like most popular hazy Sativa strains. This makes sense of course, considering its genetics. The Cannatonic strain stems from MK Ultra and G-13 Haze. “This specific batch of Cannatonic lab tested at 17% CBD, which is pretty incredible…” Bred by the founder of Resin Seeds – Jaime – …
Blue Island Dream is a Tropical Haze
Blue Island Dream, like nearly all strains, are named specifically after the effects and/or characteristics you experience when medicating with the buds… and this is no exception. However, just like most strains, the lineage was not recorded or documented well. I digress… Blue Island Dream Has Unconfirmed Genetics Genetics for this are vague and there is virtually no history anywhere online for this strain. However, breaking down what we do know can lead us to gain some pretty accurate expectations. Let’s dive in further… “Blueberry flavored smoke with an instant head-rush that is almost purely Sativa.” It is …
Bubblegum Medical Marijuana Strain Review
Bubblegum genetics are unknown for the most part. All that is known is that it was developed in 1993 using a North American Hybrid (Indiana Bubblegum) and a Unknown Indica strain of cannabis. For anyone who has medicated with the Bubblegum strain in the past, you know that it is simply fantastic in nearly all regards. The Bubblegum strain took many generations to develop a stable version that truly resembles the flavor profile of bubblegum. “The Bubblegum strain took many generations to develop a stable version that truly resembles the flavor of bubblegum.” All you really need to know about …
Pineapple Kush is a Popular Indica Strain
Pineapple Kush genetics can be linked to Pineapple mixed with Master Kush. Digging deeper, you may want to know what is in Master Kush to get a better understanding for what the medicating session would be like with Pineapple Kush. After some research, you will find that Master Kush is actually the offspring of Hindu Kush (inbred with itself). “This specific batch of Pineapple Kush is one of the many organic strains that Santa Barbara has to offer patients.” From the container …
The Purps (or Mendo Purps) Is Pure Indica
The Purps (or Mendo Purps) is a heavy Indica that has been awarded as a High Times Cannabis Cup winner at least 2 times in the last couple of years. Once in 2007 and once again in 2009 to be exact. The strain is known best for its intense berry flavor and strong Indica body-buzz.   MANTIS_RECOMMEND = { property: '53422cdc8e92f89afbf09d5f', render: 'mantis__recommended__wordpress' }; var z = document.createElement("script"); z.type = "text/javascript"; z.async = true; z.src = "//"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(z, s); …
Blue Cream Strain Looks, Tastes, & Hits Good
Blue Cream is a Sativa-dominant hybrid that is known to mainly affect your head — not so much your body. The Blue Cream Strain Stems From Blueberry And AK47 As you may or may not know, the Blue Cream marijuana strain stems from Blueberry (Indica) and AK47 (Sativa)… two of my favorite classic strains. As you can see from the picture, the Blue Cream buds are covered in a ridiculous amount of white, sparkling trichomes. Generally speaking, I love most strains that mix with AK47, because of the tranquil zone it always puts me in. It’s always a very peaceful, …
A Cheap OZ of Granddaddy Purple Shake
Granddaddy Purple is a popular strain that most cannabis lovers are already familiar with. It’s known to be a strong Indica strain that tastes exactly like berry marshmallows. “Shake usually looks like it has already been grinded; however, some dispensaries sell top-shelf shake consisting only of small buds.” Granddaddy Purple is frequently used a night-time strain to help patients get some rest. It is thought to help battle insomnia as well as chronic body pains. This specific review is for a big bag of GDP shake. So basically, picture …
Afpak Named For Afghani & Pakistani Cross
The Afpak Strain Boasts A Very Berry Terpene Profile Afpak lineage can be traced back to have Afghani and Pakistani genetics (hence the name AF-PAK). Considered to be an Indica-dominant hybrid, this medical marijuana strain was actually vended to me as Private Reserve (dispensaries private stash) — and rightfully so, with its perfect manicure and sweet aroma. Whoever grew this specific batch of Af-Pak really took the up-most care when harvesting. You can tell they truly appreciate mother nature and understand how cannabis should be grown. The Afpak buds have a very strong berry scent, reminiscent of some of the …