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About this Organization

Based in Washington State, Dab Kits emerged in an attempt to offer high-quality vaporizers at a resonable price. They produce and distrubute a variety of portable wax vaporizers, each backed by a factory warranty.

In The News

August 20, 2014

Kingpen Portable Vaporizer From Dab Kits
The Kingpen is one of four portable vaporizer options offered by Dab Kits. It is capable of vaporizing both waxes and dry herbs, and is 100 percent mechanical – no electronics are used to avoid the risk of short circuits. Dab Kits Produces A Variety Of Portable Vaporizers Based in Seattle, WA, Dab Kits was founded earlier this year with a mission in mind. The company’s two founders saw that most quality vaporizers are far too expensive for the average patient to afford, and set out to solve this issue. Being a new company, I hadn’t heard …

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