About this Organization
Nugg lets you find and order cannabis delivery online from local dispensaries in more than 40 California cities. GetNugg.com is free to use, and every order is backed by 24/7 Customer Service, ensuring you’re able to enjoy the cannabis you love – whenever, wherever.
Alex Milligan
CMO & Co-founder
Alex is the CMO and co-founder of Nugg & NuggMD, which has helped over 70,000 people get safe & reliable access to medical cannabis in California. He and his founders started Nugg in 2015 while still attending the University of Southern California, and continue to bootstrap the company to this day purely by reinvesting profits. MANTIS_RECOMMEND = { property: '53422cdc8e92f89afbf09d5f', render: 'mantis__recommended__wordpress' }; var z = document.createElement("script"); z.type = "text/javascript"; z.async = true; z.src = "//static.mantis.marketing/recommend.min.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(z, s); …
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