About this Event
This symposium is a science-focused seminar of medical professionals with experience in potential benefits/risks associated with the use of medical marijuana to treat a range of behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Dr. Rachel Levine, Secretary of Health for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, will present an update on the PA MMJ Program; preliminary results of the current Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia observational study examining the landscape of current medical cannabis use in ASD will be highlighted. There will be international experts presenting information on autism and treatment with medical cannabis.
Parents/caregivers of children diagnosed with ASD who have participated in the observational trial are encouraged to attend the entire day, but there will be a specific breakout session at the end of the conference for them. This breakout session will share with parents/caregivers preliminary results of the observational study that they participated in. There will also be a panel of medical professionals and parents to help answer questions. Note: If your child was enrolled in the study and you are not able to attend in person please contact us regarding remote access to the sessions.
You can learn more about the event at their website: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/zelda-therapeutics-medical-marijuana-and-autism-consensus-symposium-2019-registration-65253009508.
Event Hours
- SAT OCT 19 7:45 AM - 5:00 PM