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Joe Elford is the Chief Counsel for Americans for Safe Access (ASA). After graduating from Yale Law School in 1996, Joe served as a law clerk for the Honorable Vaughn Walker of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. In 2003, he assisted in the defense of Edward Rosenthal, and successfully litigated his appeal.

After joining ASA, Joe compelled the California Highway Patrol to revise its policy regarding the seizure of medical marijuana from qualified patients through a civil action in 2005, and later established through a published decision in Garden Grove v. Superior Court that patients whose medical marijuana is seized are entitled to the return of their medicine. Recently, Joe won the appeal of Jovan Jackson in San Diego, which creates precedent establishing the legality of medical marijuana dispensaries in California. On October 18, 2012, Joe argued a case to reschedule marijuana before the District of Columbia Circuit.


Americans for Safe Access (ASA)
Chief Counsel
Americans for Safe Access (ASA) has a mission to ensure safe and legal access to cannabis (marijuana) for therapeutic uses and research. ASA works with our grassroots base of over 50,000 members to effect change using public education and direct advocacy at the local, state, and federal level. ASA focuses its efforts on training and educating patients, advocates, health care professionals and other stakeholders. On top of that, Americans for Safe Access also provides direct legal support and uses impact litigation to protect and expand patients’ rights. MANTIS_RECOMMEND = { property: '53422cdc8e92f89afbf09d5f', render: 'mantis__recommended__wordpress' }; var z …

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