Michele Brooke, founder of Brooke Law Group, has a wide range of legal experience based on over ten years of law firm experience. In addition to a wide variety of legal practice areas, Brooke Law Group practices in the specialty area of what is now being called “Cannabusiness” law; providing California cannabusiness entrepreneurs with a wide range of business and consulting services and litigation services, when necessary. Michele Brooke is a conscientious professional, dedicated to providing excellent legal services at a competitive price.
Attorney Brooke is a member of the Pasadena Bar Association, the Los Angeles County Bar Association,, Americans for Safe Access, The Esquire Network, the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, the Pasadena Rotary Club and the American Herbal Products Association Cannabis and Sports Nutrition committees. Additionally, she is an adjunct professor at Pasadena City College and a member of the advisory board for the Pasadena City College ABA certified Paralegal Program.