Browsing Connecticut
Connecticut Hospice To Study Medical Marijuana As An Alternative to Opioids
According to a recent Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation survey, 1 in 3 long-term prescription painkiller users report being addicted or dependent, and abuse of opioid medications may actually open the door to heroin use. Is there a better way to treat chronic pain and not expose others to the social issues of opioid addiction? That is exactly what a federally funded medical marijuana study aims to find out, and will be the first of its kind in New England. In Connecticut alone, heroin related deaths soared from nearly 100 in 2012 to over 400 …
Connecticut: Medical Marijuana for Kids Bill Awaits Governor’s Signature
A bill to allow some children to participate in the state’s medical marijuana program is expected to soon be signed into law by Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy. House Bill 5450 received final approval in the State Senate last week after having previously passed in the House. Once signed into law by Gov. Malloy, which he is expected to do soon, Connecticut will no longer be the only state with a comprehensive medical marijuana program that banns minors from participation. Connecticut approved the use of medical marijuana in 2012, but unfortunately for many …
Connecticut Considering Allowing Children Access to Medical Marijuana
Lawmakers in Connecticut’s House of Representatives have overwhelmingly approved a proposal aimed at allowing children suffering from epilepsy and seizure disorders to have access to some cannabis products through the state’s existing medical marijuana program. The bill, House Bill 5450, was approved by a vote of 129 to 13. It now heads to the Senate for consideration. “Connecticut is the only state that bans minors from participating in the state’s medical marijuana program.” Connecticut’s medical marijuana program was first approved in 2012, but there is no language written into the current …
New Poll Shows Connecticut Voters Favor Cannabis Legalization
HAMDEN, CT – A new Poll released Monday by Quinnipiac University shows that 52% of voters are in favor of legalization of marijuana in the state. Young Voters Show Strong Support For Legalization Connecticut is currently one of 17 states that has decriminalized marijuana. The state has been consistently updating its cannabis laws since decriminalizing the plant back in 2011. They are also in the process of developing their medical marijuana program, which was approved in 2012. The Quinnipiac poll showed that a slim majority are in favor of overall legalization, and a large …
New Cannabis Testing Methodology Being Developed In Connecticut
New Haven University Is Developing A New Contaminant Test A team of researchers at New Haven University (Connecticut) are developing a new methodology to test for any contaminants in a given batch of cannabis. They hope to make it faster and easier for lab-testing facilities across the country to identify potentially harmful substances. “Researchers are developing a method of screening cannabis for biological contaminates.” The school previously received a $100,000 grant from the federal Office of National Drug Control Policy’s High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program.
West Hartford Enacts Moratorium On Medical Marijuana
Town Council Passes Medical Marijuana Moratorium The Town Council in West Hartford, CT unanimously voted to adopt a nine-month moratorium on medical marijuana cultivation and dispensaries Tuesday. The moratorium is meant to allow city officials enough time to review and write zoning regulations to regulate “marijuana dispensary facilities, marijuana production facilities [or] pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities.” However, it could be lifted sooner if provisions are made in less than nine months West Hartford’s decision came after a public hearing, in which State Consumer Protection Commissioner William Rubenstein and Tracey Gamer-Fanning – a terminal brain cancer …