Browsing Illinois
Illinois Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill
Earlier today, the Illinois State Senate approved a bill that would allow doctors to prescribe medical marijuana to qualified patients. House Bill 1, if signed off on by the Governor, would make Illinois the 20th state to legalize marijuana for medical use; right behind Maryland. The measure, was approved by the 59 member Senate in a 35-21 vote after being passed in the Senate Executive Committee just a week ago. The bill will now be brought by its sponsoring Senator, Bill Haine (D-Alton), to Governor Pat Quinn’s …
Illinois Senate Committee Passes New Medical Marijuana Bill
The Illinois Senate Executive Committee approved a bill on Wednesday that would allow patients with serious illnesses to treat themselves with medical marijuana if recommended by their physician. The measure, House Bill 1, was approved in a 10-5 vote after being approved by the House of Representatives in April. The bill will be considered by the full 59-member Senate in the near future. Patients who have been recommended medical marijuana would be allowed to purchase their cannabis from one of the 60 dispensaries that are expected to open. Twenty-two cultivation centers will be opened to provide all …
Illinois House Committee Approves Medical Marijuana Bill
The Illinois House Human Services Committee approved a bill yesterday, March 6, in an 11-4 vote that would allow for the use of medical marijuana by qualified patients. House Bill 1, which supporters say would be the most tightly regulated marijuana law in the country, would restrict the number of dispensaries statewide to 60, and cultivation centers to 22. It would restrict usage to those suffering from specific conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS and multiple sclerosis. “This is clearly model legislation for the country if we pass it.” – Rep. Lou Lang The …
Illinois: One Step Closer to Joining the Green Side
On Wednesday, the 97th General Assembly of the State of Illinois introduced House Bill 0030. What is House Bill 0030? In most states with similar programs such as California, patients can get a doctors recommendation with pain. Illinois’ bill is much more restrictive naming specific medical conditions such as cancer, glaucoma, HIV, AIDS, hepatitis C, Crohn’s disease, nail patella, and Alzheimer’s. It also recognizes patients suffering from chronic illnesses, or their treatments that produce one or more of the following: cachexia or wasting syndrome, seizures (Epilepsy), and muscle spasms (Multiple Sclerosis). The bill creates the “Compassionate Use of Medical …