Browsing Massachusetts

The 6th Annual New England Cannabis Convention
The annual New England Cannabis Convention in Boston is attended by cannabis growers, consumers and business cultivators across the region. Last year the event boasted an attendance of over 9,000 people. NOTE: Legal CBD products and seeds are available for sale, but NO THC CANNABIS products of any kind will be displayed/gifted/sold. MANTIS_RECOMMEND = { property: '53422cdc8e92f89afbf09d5f', render: 'mantis__recommended__wordpress' }; var z = document.createElement("script"); z.type = "text/javascript"; z.async = true; z.src = "//"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(z, s); …
Cannabis Control Commission of Massachusetts
The mission of the Cannabis Control Commission is to honor the will of the voters of Massachusetts by safely, equitably and effectively implementing and administering the laws enabling access to medical and adult use marijuana in the Commonwealth. The Commission will foster the creation of a safely regulated industry that will create entrepreneurial and employment opportunities and incremental tax revenues in and to communities across the state and which will be a best practice model for other states. The industry will be characterized by participation by small and larger participants and with full and robust participation by minorities, women and …
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Massachusetts Dept. of Health Proposes Changes to State Medical Marijuana Program
The Massachusetts Department of Public Heath (DPH) could be making a couple of noteworthy amendments to the Bay State’s medical marijuana program — changes designed to make it easier for patients to be certified for medical marijuana use. Among the proposed changes unveiled earlier this month are two key improvements to the program that will, if ultimately included in state regulations, have a direct impact on patients. The first is a proposed amendment to the state’s medical marijuana program that will allow a Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP) to write patient recommendations. CNPs already provide prescriptions to patients …
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Massachusetts Joint Committee To Consider Cannabis Bill
Bill H.1632: The Cannabis Regulation and Taxation Act A bill that would legalize and regulate cannabis in Massachusetts was referred to the Joint Committee on the Judiciary this week. A date for the hearing has not yet been determined, but the committee will consider the merits of Bill H.1632 – The Cannabis Regulation and Taxation Act. The bill would make Massachusetts the third state to regulate cannabis behind Colorado and Washington. The Cannabis Regulation and Taxation Act would allow for the cultivation, processing, and retail of …
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Senate Bill 1031 Severely Threatens MMJ Program In Massachusetts
A hearing will be held on Monday, May 6 at the Massachusetts State House to consider a bill that would abolish the states medical marijuana program. More than sixty percent of voters approved Question 3 last November, making Massachusetts the 18th state to allow medical marijuana (with only 37% voting against). On Monday, the Joint Committee on Public health will be hearing Senate Bill 1031, a bill that would severely limit safe access for Mass. MMJ patients. Senator John F. Keenan (D-Quincy) is a co-chair on the Joint Committee on Public …
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Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Policy and Medbox Technology
During a recent seminar at the Sheraton Hotel in Boston, CEO of Kind Clinics Dr. Bruce Bedrick gave a presentation to a room of eager and hopeful Massachusetts-based entrepreneurs about the future of the medical marijuana industry in the Bay State. Specifically, Dr. Bedrick was there to allure investors to partner with him to increase their chances of obtaining one of the 35 available dispensary licenses that will be allowed by the Massachusetts government. The heavily regulated nature of Massachusetts’ policy has presented Dr. Bedrick with a prime opportunity and market to tout Medbox Inc., a company based in Arizona …
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Entrepreneurs Lay The Blueprint For Future MMJ Business Owners
At the recently held Northeastern Cannabusiness Symposium in Boston, an extensive range of players from the medical marijuana industry spoke to an audience of journalists and hopeful entrepreneurs about the nature of “canna-business.” While yesterday’s article was focused around the inherent uncertainties of the medical marijuana industry, today we will discuss the benefits of entering this budding industry (no pun intended), as well as provide some examples of existing businesses that are thriving outside of dispensaries. “Fortune Sides With Him Who Dares” Although most businesses fail, statistics are in fact on …
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Recap Of The NCIA Northeastern Cannabusiness Symposium
The Northeastern Cannabusiness Symposium held on March 16th in Boston, MA, featured presentations and panel discussions from heralded speakers and experts involved (directly or indirectly) in the medical marijuana industry. With the continued budding of the marijuana industry in America (18 states plus Washington D.C. have now legalized the practice), entrepreneurs stand at the forefront of what could be the nation’s next gold rush. Deputy Director Betty Aldworth and Executive Director Aaron Smith from The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) have been organizing events and symposiums around the country to support this very endeavor. The …