Browsing New York
Recent Polling Reveals 82% of New Yorkers Support Medical Marijuana
A poll was released Monday that found that 82% of New York voters support the legalization of medical marijuana for seriously and terminally ill people. The poll of 623 registered voters was released yesterday by the Siena Research Institute. Support for legalization of medical marijuana was equal in both Democratic and Republican parties at 81% while only 17% and 14% opposed, respectively. Even 77% of conservative voters polled in support. “New Yorkers clearly, overwhelmingly support compassionate care for the sick and dying. So what’s the hold up in Albany? This proposal has been delayed for fifteen …
‘Medical Marijuana Business Daily’ Hosts New York Cannabis-Related Business Seminar On March 14
If you are considering investing in, or launching a cannabis-related business in the Tri-State area, do not miss MMJ Business Daily’s exclusive networking and seminar in NYC on Thursday, March 14th from 6-9:30pm. Medical Marijuana Business Daily is an “industry trade publication written by professional business journalists.” The company publishes breaking industry news each day for their thousands of readers, “including dispensaries, ancillary business execs, lawyers, and investors.” This Thursday, March 14th, the MMJ Business Daily seminar will be held for serious investors, executives and entrepreneurs looking to get into the MMJ industry (the …
New York Senator Plans To Introduce Medical Marijuana Bill ‘Very Soon’
In the 1980s, New York was one of the seven states to enact a state law that set up a medical marijuana program requiring the Health Department to distribute marijuana joints to people with glaucoma or cancer. The law was named after New York City Councilman, Antonio Olivieri, who urged lawmakers in Albany to pass it after he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Olivieri used marijuana after undergoing chemotherapy to battle the side effects. He became an advocate immediately and, from his hospital bed, lobbied the chair of the senate health committee. Olivieri passed away a short time after …