How can I ensure I pass my upcoming drug test?

Top Answer

Medical Jane

Last updated: June 1st, 2016

As you may expect, there are numerous cannabis detoxification products on the market that claim to cleanse your system or mask your use. There are even some companies that offer “clean” urine. There are many reasons to be doubtful of these products and their claims. Most do not work, are expensive, and can even be identified in a drug test. Collection facilities and labs have become more sophisticated in detecting a specimen that has been influenced or altered. Cheaters typically get caught.

But don’t panic. There are some simple, inexpensive and legal things that you can do to help lower the amount of metabolites in your urine and influence your test –

  • Using a safe detoxification product that naturally accelerates your bodies normal detoxification systems can allow you to cleanse your blood and urine of toxins like marijuana in roughly 3-6 days depending on how many toxins are stored up in your body.
  • Never use the first urine of your day. This is typically referred to as “the first void.” Even if you have to stay awake all night or get up early the day of the test, each time you urinate will make a difference. Also, try to avoid collecting the beginning of your urine stream, as this will have the greatest amount of metabolites in it.
  • “Flushing” your system – this should only be done with caution. This involves putting large amounts of liquids (not including alcoholic beverages) into your body so that the metabolites will be washed away faster. Although this may be an effective method, it can also be dangerous. Ingesting too much water can cause water intoxication and can make you very ill or even cause death. Cranberry juice is a natural diuretic and will help flush your system faster than water alone. Coffee and tea also act as diuretics. But remember, if your urine is overly diluted, it may raise a flag. To enhance the coloring of the urine so that it appears more yellow, you can add a B vitamin to your diet a day or two before the test.

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