Top Answer
Medical Jane
Last updated: June 6th, 2016
There are several studies that suggest a small “window of detection” (the number of days following the last use that a urine sample will produce positive results) and others that suggest a larger window, especially for chronic medical marijuana users.
Most will agree, a one-time user is typically vulnerable to testing positive for cannabis for up to three days after use. After that, the chances of testing positive greatly decrease because any trace of THC COOH will likely fall below the required threshold for a positive result. The standard for most employment and government testing programs is 50 nanograms per milliliters (ng/ml). It is possible, however, to test positive 7+ days after consuming cannabis. In fact, frequent, regular cannabis consumers should not be surprised to test positive for a minimum of one week to 10 days after their last use and up to 100+ days thereafter if cannabis is used habitually.
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