Top Answer
Medical Jane
Last updated: May 31st, 2016
A popular form of non-solvent hash is dry sieve (sometimes referred to as “dry sift”). Put simply, dry sieve is a refined version of kief that has been run through a series of screens so that only the trichome heads remain. Thanks in large part to the simplicity of the process, dry sieve is among the easiest ways to produce hash. After all, all that you need to produce quality dry sieve hash is a few good screens to filter out the plant matter, good starting material, and a little bit of time.
The level of quality is often determined by amount of plant matter and capitulate trichome stalks found in the final product. This process at its highest level yields nothing but the largest, most perfect trichome gland heads and none of the gland stems, plant matter, etc. that generally clouds the quicker, lower-quality kief extractions. The most pure dry sieve hash should melt completely when exposed to heat, known as full-melt dry sieve hash.
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