The Green Crystal strain is a Sativa-dominant hybrid that most likely originated in southern California. It can carry an extremely floral scent that is often paired with slightly energizing, euphoric effects.
Green Crystal Strain: Green Crack X Crystal Coma
I have to admit, seeing the Green Crystal strain for the first time at my local collective sparked all sorts of excitement from within. Not only were the flowers covered in a healthy amount of trichomes, but the strain’s genetics were just as enticing.
“The Green Crystal strain was the result of crossing the Green Crack and Crystal Coma strains.”
Like the name would suggest, the Green Crystal strain was the result of crossing the Green Crack and Crystal Coma strains.
With that in mind, I was curious to see how the uplifting, energetic effects of Green Crack would interact with the Crystal Coma strain. I have come to expect the Crystal Coma strain to have more relaxing, cerebral effects – similar to the Crypt strain.
So, I was particularly intrigued to learn whether the Green Crystal strain would provide me with energy to power through the day (like Green Crack), or make me more inclined to wax philosophic about the meaning of life – both fine options in my book.
How Will The Green Crystal Cannabis Strain Affect Me?
As mentioned above, the Green Crystal strain has an incredibly floral terpene profile. It smells nearly identical to the Green Crack strain, which could raise questions whether it is not just a phenotype of the popular sativa. However, the cheesy taste of this batch Green Crystal assured me that Crystal Coma was indeed part of the equation.
I was further convinced of this fact after a few pulls from the VapeXhale Cloud EVO, when I realized that I was much more relaxed than anticipated. All stress was gone and my mood increased significantly in just minutes.
I would love to take the Green Crystal strain along for the ride on my next vacation so that it can help me relax and actually enjoy the time off instead of constantly thinking about what needs to be done, or where we need to be, at what time…
Overall, I would say that the Green Crystal strain is a near-perfect mix between the Green Crack and Crystal Coma stains – two of my personal favorites. It may be best suited for those suffering from mood disorders like depression, bipolar, or anxiety.