Browsing Ailment Research
Study Shows Cannabis Extracts Rich In Cannabidiol (CBD) May Effectively Treat Colon Cancer
As we know, cannabis extracts have been reported to treat a number of ailments. There have been a number of anecdotal success stories, leading to an increased interest in cannabis concentrates (RSO, BHO, Solventless Wax, etc.) as a viable treatment option. Following suit, a recent study adds a …
Cannabis vs. Cancer: Studies Suggest Cannabinoids May Kill Human Cancer Cells
There is currently an overwhelming amount of evidence suggesting that cannabinoids may kill cancer in humans. For the past several years, an increasing number of patients have been reporting that ingesting or applying cannabis-based extracts topically eliminated their cancers. Cases of terminal cancer patients going into remission are documented, along with many non-terminal cases. Photographic evidence has shown many skin cancers disappear with topical application as well. Moreover, scientific research indicates not only that …
Study: Cannabidiol (CBD) May Inhibit Brain Cancer
Glioma is the term used to describe a tumor that originated on the brain or spine. Each year, 10,000 Americans are diagnosed with malignant glioma. Of those, about half will die within a year of diagnosis. Only 25 percent are still alive after two years. Researchers Investigated Glioma & Its Reaction To Cannabinoids Most often occurring in the brain, malignant gliomas are rarely curable despite years of research on the subject. Traditional therapies like radiotherapy and chemotherapy have had limited success, and glioma’s ability to spread to normal tissue makes surgery difficult. “Each year, 10,000 Americans are diagnosed with malignant …
Study: Cannabinoids May Help Treat Painful Bladder Syndrome
According to WebMD, more than 4 million people in the US suffer from a chronic bladder disease called interstitial cystitis. Although little is known about its cause, statistics suggest that middle-aged women are the most at risk of developing it. US Researchers Treated Interstitial Cystitis With Cannabinoids Symptoms of interstitial cystitis, also referred to as painful bladder syndrome (PBS), include a similar discomfort to that caused by urinary tract infections, as well as chronic inflammation of the bladder and an increased sensitivity to pain. Another common symptom is an increase in urination frequency. The average person is said to void …
Study: Cannabinoids Could Help Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea
What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea? Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common of form of sleep apnea. The literal definition of apnea is, “cessation of breath.” With that said, OSA causes a complete or partial blockage of the upper airway, and the diaphragm and chest muscles must work harder to pull air into the lungs. According to WedMD, breathing often resumes with a loud gasp, snort, or body jerk, all of which can be detrimental to sleep quality. Additionally, obstructive sleep apnea can reduce the flow of oxygen to vital organs and negatively impact …
Study: Cannabidiol (CBD) May Reduce Cigarette Consumption
Cannabidiol (CBD) Could Help Treat Nicotine Addiction It is no secret that cigarette smoke has detrimental ramifications in the human body. In fact, a study published in 2008 cited tobacco as the single greatest cause of preventable death internationally. “Each cigarette smoked is estimated to shorten life expectancy by 11 minutes.” Common conditions with which cigarettes are related include: heart attacks, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and various types of cancer. In fact, each cigarette smoked is estimated to …
Study: Cannabidiol (CBD) May Help Treat Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Brazilian Researchers Investigated OCD & Cannabidiol As we know, medical marijuana has long been used to help treat various types of anxiety. Cannabidiol (CBD), in particular, has received a great deal of attention for it’s anti-anxiety potential and a number of high-CBD products are making their way into the market with increased regularity. That being said, no two forms of anxiety are alike. One suffering from social anxiety has a vastly different experience than that of a …
Study: THC In Marijuana May Treat Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms
Cannabis Could Slow Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by impaired motor functioning, among other symptoms. These motor impairments, such as shaking and rigidity, are caused by the death of brain cells responsible for dopamine-production. Although little is known about the cause of Parkinson’s Disease, it has been linked to excess iron levels and disrupted mitochondrial dynamics in the brain. With that said, it has been suggested that cannabidiol (CBD) may help counter the …
Medical Marijuana May Treat Aggressive Forms Of Breast Cancer
Medical Marijuana May Benefit Breast Cancer Patients Contrary to popular belief, breast cancer is not one disease – it is an umbrella term used for many different diseases, according to HER2 Support Group. HER2-positive breast cancer is a particularly aggressive type that forms when there is an over-expression of the HER2 gene. Not only does HER2-positive breast cancer grow rapidly, but it is often associated with a poor prognosis and high recurrence rates. Although successful treatments have been designed to target the HER2 gene in particular, research reports that they do not garner …
Study: Cannabinoids May Combine To Effectively Treat Leukemia
Researchers Investigated Anti-cancer Properties Of Cannabinoids For years science has provided evidence suggesting tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) may be an effective cancer treatment. With that said, many are against using THC treatments, largely due to its psychotropic (mind-altering) effects and research has begun to focus of the efficacy of non-psychotropic cannabinoids. Cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabidiol (CBD) are two …