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Arizona Representative Proposes Adult-Use Cannabis Legalization
Arizona Representative Supports Legal Cannabis Representative Ruben Gallego (D-16th District), Arizona’s Assistant House Minority Leader, announced plans Tuesday to introduce adult-use cannabis legislation. If passed, his bill would allow those 21 and over to possess up to an ounce of dried cannabis. The home-cultivation of up to five plants would be permitted as well. Further, retail locations would be licensed and authorized by the state. Smoking in public would remain illegal however. “This is for recreational use.” Gallego explained. “If somebody is of a sane state of mind, they’re above the age of 21 and if their employer doesn’t care, …
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Measure Introduced To Legalize Adult-Use Of Cannabis In Oregon
Oregon Senator Introduces Cannabis Legalization Draft Bill Oregon Senate Judiciary Chairman Floyd Prozanski (D-Eugene) presented draft legislation in a hearing Friday that would allow voters to decide whether the adult-use of cannabis should be legal in the state. The measure would task legislators with creating regulations if passed by voters in the 2014 election. In contrast New Approach Oregon filed a similar, but more detailed measure last month. The Control, Regulation, and Taxation of Marijuana and Industrial Hemp Act specifies that it would allow the possession of up to 8 ounces of cannabis and up …
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Report: Medical Marijuana States In Compliance With Federal Priorities
States In Line With 8 DOJ Cannabis Enforcement Priorities Americans for Safe Access (ASA) released a report Monday that analyzed the 8 Department of Justice (DOJ) priorities in the memorandum issued on August 31 by Deputy Attorney General James Cole – the third such memo since President Obama took office. Specifically, the report provides analysis of each medical marijuana state and their level of compliance with the DOJ’s priorities. The ASA report, “Third Time the Charm? State …
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Maine Legislative Council Fails To Pass Legal Cannabis Bill
Portland Senator Votes Against Cannabis Legalization With a 5-5 vote on Thursday, the Maine Legislative Council failed to pass LR 2329 – “An Act to Align Maine’s Marijuana Laws With the Guidelines Governing Taxation and Regulation Issued by the Federal Government.” In turn, the measure will not be introduced for a full Senate vote during this legislative session. “Senate President Justin Alfond (D-Portland) was among the lawmakers to vote “No” on the measure.” As written, the measure would permit the cultivation of up to 6 plants, possession of up to 2 and 1/2 …
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Breaking: Federal Agents Raid Medical Marijuana Facilities In Colorado
Feds Raid Colorado Dispensaries & Cultivation Facilities Federal agents executed multiple search and seizure warrants at medical cannabis facilities in Colorado Thursday morning. The raids occurred at dispensaries and cultivation facilities in the Denver and Boulder areas. “We hope they are sticking to their word and not interfering with any state-regulated, law-abiding businesses.” – Mason Tvert According to Jeff Dorschner, spokesman for the Department of Justice, “The Drug Enforcement Administration, Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigations, the Denver Police Department and state and local law enforcement are today executing lawfully obtained search warrants and seizure warrants.” In …
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Maine Considers Cannabis Legalization For Adult-Use
Maine Representative Introduces Legal Cannabis Bill The Maine Legislative council is expected to decide Thursday whether or not they will allow the introduction of LR 2329 – “An Act to Align Maine’s Marijuana Laws With the Guidelines Governing Taxation and Regulation Issued by the Federal Government.” The measure was sponsored by Rep. Diane Russel (D-Portland) and would permit the cultivation, possession, and use of marijuana by individuals over the age of 21 if passed. It would establish a regulated retail system to distribute cannabis, …
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Maryland Candidate For Governor Supports Legal Cannabis
Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate Backs Legalization Heather R. Mizeur, a Democratic candidate in Maryland’s upcoming gubernatorial election, is calling for legal cannabis regulations in the state. She is preparing a proposal that discusses how Maryland could oversee the cultivation and distribution of cannabis. Under Mizeur’s plan, it would be legal for an adult to possess up to an ounce of cannabis grown in secure Maryland facilities. Nonetheless, smoking in public and driving under the influence would still be illegal. “Marijuana is safer than alcohol and tobacco,” she said in an interview with the …
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Pennsylvania Senators Plan To Introduce Medical Marijuana Bill
Medical Marijuana Receives Bi-Partisan Support Pennsylvania Senators Mike Folmer (R-Lebanon) and Daylin Leach (D-Montgomery) recently announced plans to introduce a bill that would legalize medical cannabis in the state. With that said, any medical cannabis in the state must have a minimum CBD:THC ratio of 1:1. Accordingly, cannabis would only be permitted under S.B. 1182 – the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Act – if it contains at least an equal amount of cannabidiol (CBD) as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The senators join an …
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Sonoma County Will Host The 2013 Emerald Cup This December
Sonoma County Will Host The 2013 Emerald Cup Founded in 2003, The Emerald Cup is the longest running organic outdoor growing competition in the world. This year, the event will be held December 14 and 15 at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in California. “The winner will receive a 2-week, all expense paid trip to a cannabis friendly resort in Jamaica.” Since its inception, The Emerald Cup has seen a notable rise in popularity. Tim Blake, the cup’s producer, said the first event, which was held near Humboldt and Mendocino, only had 23 …
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Utah Doctors Appeal For Medical Marijuana Tinctures
Utah Doctors Support Medical Marijuana For Kids Three Utah physicians submitted a letter in support of medical marijuana to the state’s Controlled Substances Advisory Committee last week. Written by Dr. Francis Filloux, a pediatric neurologist, the letter calls for the committee to allow medical marijuana tinctures in the case of epileptic children. He and his two colleagues who signed on in support join a recent push to allow CBD-rich cannabis …