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July 26, 2016

Review: Peppermint and Orange Flavored CBD Oil Tinctures by CBD Oil Creations
Sponsored by CBD Oil Creations Crafted by CBD Oil Creations, these tinctures are infused with cannabidiol (CBD) and are currently sold as two distinct flavors (peppermint and orange). Both flavors are available in concentrations of either 100 mg of CBD (30mL bottle) or 500 mg of CBD (60mL bottle). The smaller size (100 mg) contains 30 doses of 3.3 mg of CBD per dropper for $24.95; whereas, the larger size (500 mg) contains 60 doses of 8.3 mg of CBD per dropper for $114.95. The peppermint flavor is made up of ingredients …

February 10, 2016

Prof. Snook’s Canna Salvation – AC/DC Tincture (Olive Oil Base)
After decades of growers aiming to boost THC percentages in their crops, many producers have switched to focusing on harvesting CBD-rich strains because of the increasing demand by medical users. For those unfamiliar with cannabidiol (CBD), the compound has many medicinal benefits without the “high” that some patients do not desire. This makes products containing CBD appealing to patients who are looking for an alternative to their current meds, which often have opiate-like effects. The AC/DC strain of cannabis has become well known in recent years for its unique cannabinoid profile and record-setting CBD content. Many veterans have …

October 02, 2015

CBD Mendo 1:1 CBD:THC Tincture For Maximum Focus
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often persists into adulthood. Patients with ADHD suffer a combination of problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, low self-esteem, troubled relationships and poor performance in school. These symptoms sometimes lessen with age, although some people never completely outgrow their ADHD symptoms. Fortunately, there are some techniques to help manage the disorder, one being finding the right medicine to combat their symptoms. Tinctures Provide Patients with an Alternative to Smoking It is important that the medical community understands that whole plant cannabis products …

February 23, 2015

Ultra CBD Tincture
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most medically beneficial compounds in cannabis, with applications for a wide range of diseases. When CBD is derived from hemp, it can even be useful as a natural dietary constituent. Awareness of CBD’s benefits has dramatically increased demand for quality, pure supplements. To meet this demand, Ultra CBD has entered the market with a new tincture (available in two separate doses) designed to have mass appeal. How Is The Ultra CBD Tincture Made? Ultra CBD began with a 1 …

August 09, 2014

The Venice Cookie Co.’s CBD One Tincture
Just a few weeks after the release of their Sativa One Tincture and Indica One Tincture PM Formula with Cannaroma, The Venice Cookie Co. has introduced two CBD tinctures for patients who may not want the psychotropic effects of your typical high-THC product. The CBD One Tincture in particular has an estimated THC-to-CBD ratio of 1:16.5. The Venice Cookie Co. Unveils Their CBD One Tincture The Venice Cookie Co. provides cannabis infused products …

July 17, 2014

Review: CBD Balance One Tincture From The Venice Cookie Co.
Just shortly after releasing their Sativa One Tincture and Indica One Tincture PM Formula with Cannaroma, The Venice Cookie Co. has introduced two CBD tinctures for patients who may not want the psychotropic effects of your typical THC-rich product. The CBD Balance One Tincture in particular has a 1:1 ratio of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidol (CBD). The Venice Cookie Co. Introduces Their CBD Balance One Tincture Working with a number of dispensaries, …

June 15, 2014

The Venice Cookie Co.’s Indica One Tincture PM Formula With Cannaroma
A new addition to The Venice Cookie Co. product line, the Indica One Tincture PM Formula with Cannaroma is a sublingual tincture that was formulated with help from The Werc Shop. The Venice Cookie Co. Introduces Their PM Tincture Working with a number of dispensaries, The Venice Cookie Co. provides cannabis infused products to medical cannabis patients throughout the state of California. I’ve had the pleasure of sampling a number of their products and they rarely disappoint. The Venice Cookie Co. product …

June 09, 2014

Cannabis Sativa One Tinctures From The Venice Cookie Company
Formerly named “1” Sativa Spirits Tincture, the Sativa One Tincture is a sublingual tincture from The Venice Cookie Co. that was formulated to provide patients with an uplifting jolt of energy. The Venice Cookie Co. Revamps Their Sativa Tincture Working with a number of dispensaries, The Venice Cookie Co. provides cannabis infused products to medical cannabis patients throughout the state of California. I’ve had the pleasure of sampling a number of their products and they rarely disappoint. The Venice Cookie Co. product line includes various types of infused products, …

June 14, 2012

Lemon Tincture: THC Drops Work Fast
Humboldt Infusions makes this Lemon Drop tincture for patients seeking relief without the harmful effects of smoking. This lemon drop formula is just what you need for those all-day medicating sessions with no combustion necessary. The effects are almost instantaneous (less than 30 seconds or so) with tinctures because they absorb straight into your saliva and into the blood stream. MANTIS_RECOMMEND = { property: '53422cdc8e92f89afbf09d5f', render: 'mantis__recommended__wordpress' }; var z = document.createElement("script"); z.type = "text/javascript"; z.async = true; z.src = "//static.mantis.marketing/recommend.min.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(z, s); …
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